What’s in the gap?
When progressing, you must overcome the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.
If that gap is small -progress is quick and easy to make- you will probably not even notice the gap. But when that gap is more significant -progress takes effort over a longer time- it often demotivates.
Whether you set out to eat more fruits and vegetables or improve your skillset, one ingredient is consistent in that gap between now and then.
Grit is a combination of perseverance and passion. It is the ability to put in (hard) work and effort over some time toward a task or goal.
While perseverance is the persistence to keep working towards a goal despite setbacks, passion is the strong sense of commitment and excitement to the task. Grit is not innate but can be developed through practice, discipline, and dedication. Just like the size of your biceps.
Perseverance, grit, and willpower are essential to success. You don’t improve these qualities by wishing you were more disciplined but by creating a more disciplined environment. Make it easy, make it normal, and keep putting in the effort.
So before you give up eating fruits and veggies. Before you decide that this is your skillset and it no longer needs improving. Before you decide your biceps are big enough. See if you can manipulate your environment.