The lead Domino
Something, or somebody, has to go first to create a chain-reaction.
We see this in Domino’s, but it is also one of the most valuable life lessons I picked up from Gabby Reece in the book “Tools of Titans.” [Page 92-99] She makes an effort to be the first person to smile, to be the first to say hello. It’s her way to take initiative, show her intentions, and meet others (and life in general) on her terms.
What’s your lead Domino?
What’s the thing or things you do that makes the rest follow effortlessly?
Does planning a meal at home lead to a shopping list without wasting money at the store, a healthy menu for you and your loved ones, time for social bonding at dinner time, and eventually, better physical and mental health?
Does your routine of staying up-to-date on the knowledge of your craft lead to better decisions, less time working, more value creation, and eventually more satisfaction?
Does your night-time routine lead to a consistent bedtime, better dental health, a calmer mind, and, eventually, better quality sleep?
I’m curious to learn if and which lead Dominoes you have!