Finding answers

We regularly find ourselves looking for answers. In a new situation, at an unforeseen problem, or at a recurring event where we are just not happy with our previous outcomes. In all these instances, we are not just looking for the best answer we can come up with but want to find the best answer anybody can come up with.

It requires us to ask the right question to the right person.

That’s harder than it might seem because many people are pretty sure about their opinions, views, and how they do things. Thinking we are confident or fully informed will prevent us from asking somebody else in the first place. There might be things we never knew, we never knew.

And what would be the right question to ask? Is that the whole question? “This is the situation I am facing; this is the information I have. How would you handle this?” Or a part of the problem? “In this bigger scheme of things, I’d like to know what you think about XY and Z?” Either way, it’s up to us to weigh the believability of the person and their answer to our question before making our final decision.

Most people are willing to look for the best answer, but only a few will find it.


Discipline equals Freedom

