The look versus the feel

Let’s get one thing straight – there’s nothing wrong with wanting to look good. We’re all a little vain.

The trouble kicks in when we goof up and think that looking good and looking youthful is the same as feeling youthful.

It’s not.

What if, instead of asking, “How can I appear young?” we asked, “How can I stay young for longer?” We crave the power to keep doing whatever we want with our lives.

We want the freedom to say yes to every opportunity without worrying that our bodies will bail on us when we need them most. It’s not just about getting off the toilet without a struggle. We want to keep having exciting adventures with our buddies and families. Climbing mountains, splashing in the ocean, and making fires in the wild, where we can crack up together and make unforgettable memories with our loved ones.

We want the perks of a youthful body AND the experience and smarts that come from the years we’ve been around.

The answer to that is more profound than just skin care. To have that kind of life through ALL your days, you must build and keep up a body that can handle the zest of youth. And that’s why we’re fans of sprinting. Sprinting is like a hardcore litmus test for whether you’re “using it or losing it.” It’s the ultimate expression of a fundamental movement pattern – moving your body around. It’s the pattern that gives us freedom right out of the gate, and it’s the one we have to stick with if we want to hold onto that freedom.

Sprinting needs you to move like lightning through the whole range of motion. You have to keep those type II muscle fibers (the big, explosive ones) in check – they’re the first to wave the white flag if you’re not using them.

In plain English, if you want to sprint, you must keep sprinting.

Sprinting also needs body control – keeping your balance, knowing where your body’s at, AND having muscles like hamstrings counteract those explosive forces. Now, sprinting ain’t a magic cure for aging, but it’s like the golden ticket if you want the most bang for your workout buck. It could be your best shot at holding onto complete independence for your entire life.

Ready to kick things up a notch? Lace up those sneakers, hit the pavement, and let your inner sprinter loose! Bonus points if you can sprint up a hill or some stairs. Your future self will thank you. 🏃‍♂️💨


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Prevention: You can’t perform at your best if you keep getting knocked out of the game.