(Not) Average.
On average, eating lots of fruits and vegetables and getting sufficient protein is a great way to limit your caloric intake and be healthy and lean. It might take a little effort to get into this way of eating, but it is straightforward to maintain after that initial start-up.
Not eating average, like doing a prolonged fast, detox, carnivore- or strictly vegan diet, might make you look lean quicker. I doubt if it will make you healthier. I am sure it is most accessible on day one when you are still well-fed from the days before and highly motivated to get started. I am sure it will get harder and harder to maintain for more extended periods.
Would you rather start with one of these not-average ways of eating and move towards eating lots of fruits and vegetables and getting sufficient protein afterward? Or would you instead begin eating lots of fruits and vegetables, get adequate protein, and see if you still need something else to be healthy and lean?
In the long run, you are going to wind up eating in a way you can sustain, or you will keep starting over again and again.